Saturday, August 16, 2008

Advancing Civilization

"Though willing to share to the utmost the temporal benefits and the fleeting joys which this earthly life can confer, though eager to participate in whatever activity that conduces to the richness, the happiness and peace of that life, they can, at no time, forget that it constitutes no more than a transient, a very brief stage of their existence, that they who live it are but pilgrims and wayfarers whose goal is the Celestial City, and whose home the Country of never-failing joy and brightness."

-Shoghi Effendi

What better way to start than with the above statement of our identity. We are but pilgrims and wayfarers in this life, in this world that Bahá'u'lláh likens to a "shadow that vanisheth swifter than the twinkling of an eye".

And yet, we are reminded by Bahá'u'lláh: "All men have been created to carry forward an ever-advancing civilization." In this life that vanishes swifter than the twinkling of an eye, we are to use all our intellectual and spiritual faculties to participate with others in building a new civilization, the like of which mortal eyes have never seen.

Am interested to hear your thoughts on the following:

1. What are some of the qualities of an individual that bring honor to a civilization?

2. What might directing our energies toward the advancement of civilization look like on a daily basis?


Nikhil said...

Welcome to Blogosphere!!! So glad u decided to join in! Hope to see many many insightful posts from u... :)

Will post my answers to ur questions in a while, as i have to run now :)

Bright Butterfly said...

L, dearest, I'm SOOOO excited that you've started a blog. And what a beautiful place to start. I love this idea of us all as being but pilgrims and wayfarers.

Both of your initial questions are excellent, and each could surely warrant a book! A few quick thoughts for now:

1. honesty, grace, justice, love, kindness, generosity, mercy, joy, questions and curiosity, creativity, earnestness, reason and knowledge, humility, a spirit of unity, compassion, dedication, consideration, openness, a peaceful presence, prudence, courage, fortitude, faith, philanthropy...

2. Demonstrating each of the above qualities through our deeds and an ongoing spirit of service. Living each moment as a prayer, as you once wrote on my blog. Seeking unity with all of creation, which can surely be done in a zillion ways. For example, in keeping a keen eye towards the root causes of discrimination and injustice and finding ways to stand up for these through our work, by educating ourselves about these, and by speaking out to get people to think about and begin to change disparities and injustice.

Bright Butterfly said...

Also, the idea that we're all "pilgrims" calls to mind the following poem by Hafiz, which seems so appropriate for you, my dear friend Leila.

I Knew We Would Be Friends

As soon as you opened your mouth
And I heard your soft

I knew we would be

The first time, dear pilgrim, I heard
You laugh,

I knew it would not take me long
To turn you back into

* * *
This idea of working to turn others "back into God" I interpret to mean that we ought to look for God's spirit in others and love them for the sake of God... which seems like another answer to your second question.

...but a pilgrim and wayfarer said...

Thanks both for your encouragement, and Casia for your insights..

Anonymous said...

I never knew I was failing in accomplishing my responsibilities in one way or another. The reasons upheld for other times, but first deal with the matter at hand. That’s how can individual help or do to ensure what Baha'u'llah calls “Ever-advancing Civilization".
Well little light will be shade from different aspects as we all aspire to find the reality in the world and of course the course is set and the plan laid it’s just embarking on it and pursuing in its stages to achieve the foreseen vision.
There are many writers who have tried to vividly clarify ways in which an individual{s} can contribute to the well fair of the so called Civilization. I will draw from one such writer some insights.
In his book "Creating a new mind" Mr. Paul Lample provides us with almost an entire panorama that captures wide range actually all that it needs for an individual to be termed as “promoter of the well being of a society" Knowing very well that is what Civilization entails.
He tables eight aspects namely:
1. The promoter of human honor
2. The seeker of wisdom
3. The champion of Justice
4 The selfless giver
5 The pure channel
6. The faithful lover
7. The initiator of systematic Actions
8. The Quickener of Humanity.
Looking or going through this eight aspects that must characterize those individuals that should contribute to the Civilization humanity is laboring towards, gives you an idea not just devoid from material pursuits that most people are zealously and tirelessly continuously accumulating motivated by their personal interest to rank above others but it showers lights on the spiritual qualities that such humble populations{s} of the society should or must approach life not as individual comprising it{society} but part of the society as a whole.
I hope if you find time it will be worthy reading it.
Thanks for sharing and keep them coming!